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? NGO/NPO staff should participate in the relevant meetings and trainings as well as build relationships with other actorsduring the pre‐disaster phase, so that smooth and effective deployment of assistance can be ensured. In addition, commoncodes of conduct should be developed for NGOs/NPOs involved in assistance activities.Part III: Human Resource DevelopmentProviding support for human resource development of practitioners, who are familiar with disaster response and assistance foraffected populations, is critical in realising rapid response; ensuring the quality of assistance; as well as making sure that responseactivities are systematic and well-coordinated‐including appropriate acceptance of international assistance‐in future largescale disasters in Japan. With the aim of human resource development of those who are equipped with necessary knowledge andskills for disaster response and who can fully demonstrate required competencies in the midst of crises ? both in Japan andoverseas ? the following seven recommendations are made.3-1. Identification of priority areas where human resource development is particularly needed3-2. Identification of professional duties to be targeted for human resource development3-3. Implementation system of the human resource development programmes3-4. Basic curriculum and methodologies of trainings3-5. Functions required for human resource development3-6. Registration and mobilization of the pools of trained professionals3-7. Promotion of international cooperation building on domestic disaster response experiencesThis study group:Reviewing the experience, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United Nations Office for theCoordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Kobe and the Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) jointly organised aPublic Seminar on International Humanitarian Assistance on July 5, 2012 at the Hiroo Hall of the Japanese Red CrossCollege of Nursing in Tokyo.At the end of the seminar, it was decided that we should not leave the seminar as a one-off event but establish a studygroup to continue and deepen these discussions based on the achievements of the seminar. A study group was establishedhosted by the Japanese Red Cross Institute for Humanitarian Studies and voluntarily joined persons from variousorganisations engaging in international humanitarian assistance.The study group members from various backgrounds participated in a personal capacity beyond organisational boundaries,sincerely engaged in dialogue from professional perspectives, and committed to giving up their own time in contributing toproduce the following recommendations.The full page of the report on the Study Group is available as an annex of the Journal of Humanitarian Studies, Vol.3,March 2014, and its on line version (http://www.jrc.ac.jp/ihs/index.html).Issued by the Japanese Red CrossInstitute for Humanitarian Studies,Japanese Red Cross Academy,February 2015