

このページは 人道ジャーナル第3号 の電子ブックに掲載されている8ページの概要です。


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The Journal of Humanitarian Studies Vol. 3, 2014特別寄稿国際赤十字赤新月運動による核兵器使用法的評価─2011年代表者会議決議1「核兵器廃絶への取り組み」─Legality of the Use of Nuclear Weapons and the 2011 Resolution 1of the Red Cross Movement’s Council of Delegates:“Working towards the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons”大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授真山全MAYAMA AkiraProfessor of International LawGraduate School of International Public Policy, Osaka University[キーワード]国際人道法、核兵器、国際赤十字赤新月運動、代表者会議international humanitarian law, nuclear weapons, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements, Council ofDelegates[Abstract]In November 2011, the Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movementadopted a resolution entitled“Working towards the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.”This Resolution recalls the 1996Advisory Opinion of the ICJ and finds it difficult to envisage how any use of nuclear weapons could be compatible withIHL. In addition, the Resolution appeals to all States to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again“regardless oftheir views on the legality of such weapons”and to conclude negotiation to prohibit and eliminate them.This paper’s first aim is to reconfirm that the Resolution does not explicitly say that nuclear weapons are inherentlyunlawful ones, although many Red Cross people in Japan seem to believe that it does say so. In this sense, its position andwording are similar to those included in the first half of paragraph E of the Advisory Opinion.Secondly, this paper aims to analyse the legal structure of the Resolution. It is interesting to know that, while notcategorically rejecting positions of some States which claim the legality of such weapons in certain situations, theResolution calls all States not to use them regardless of their views. This means that no-use is not necessarily required byIHL, but just a self-restraint not having any opinio juris. Thus, any States’practices of no-use following the Resolutionmay not constitute those formulating the basis of customary law completely prohibiting them.Lastly, as was pointed out by one delegate during the 2011 Council, this paper doubts the appropriateness of stepping intothe area of nuclear disarmament.はじめに(1核兵器)を国際人道法(武力紛争法)(2)からいかに評価するかは、依然として大きな今日的問題である。国際人道法は、武力紛争においてその当事者の戦闘その他の敵対行為を規律し、武力紛争犠牲者保護をはかる国際法規則群である。特定の兵器を保有することについては軍縮法にまかせ、国際人道法は、兵器についてはその使用の局面にその関心を集中させてきた。このことは、核兵器についても同じである。6人道研究ジャーナルVol. 3, 2014