

このページは 人道ジャーナル第3号 の電子ブックに掲載されている89ページの概要です。


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The Journal of Humanitarian Studies Vol. 3, 2014(Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan. 2012.National demographic data)1.1 Rationale for the studyThe disaster in Japan, and the demographic shift experienced by the country, highlights the imperative ofunderstanding the situation of older people displaced by the crisis, to support on-going assistance efforts and tocontribute to future emergency response planning. While the GEJE occurred in a context with highly developeddisaster preparedness and response systems in place, many of the concerns reported by older people reflectfindings of analyses conducted by HelpAge in developing world emergency responses. Humanitarian responsesoften fail to recognize the vulnerabilities, needs and capacities of older people, even though they perform crucialroles in their communities before and during a crisis.The study aimed to examine the challenges older people faced and continue to face as a result of theirdisplacement, and to assess the impact of the disaster on their wellbeing and the forms of support available tothem. By drawing on the experience of Japan and evidence from HelpAge programmes in other contexts, it ishoped that this report will contribute to supporting the delivery of emergency and recovery assistance which isboth accessible to, and appropriate for, older people.1.2 MethodologyThe study was conducted in two cities in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures, selected for the severity of impact of thetsunami and the high concentration of older people. Data was collected between December 2012 and March2013. At this time, 69.9% of respondents were living in temporary housing facilities and 24.5% lived in theirown homes.人道研究ジャーナルVol. 3, 2014 87