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The Journal of Humanitarian Studies

Journal of Humanitarian Studies Vol. 4, 2015<研究ノート>関東大震災の被災者に対する関西諸府県及び近隣県の救援活動―大阪府と日本赤十字社の当時の記録からの一考察Relief activities of Kansai and adjacent local governmentsduring the Great Kanto Earthquake in 19231桝居孝AbstractAt the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, Osaka and adjacent local governments in western Japanperformed a important role in these relief activities at the very outset of the terrible natural disaster.As a matter of fact, the Earthquake stricken governments, central and local alike got literally paralyzed.Therefore, taking emergency means, the central government informed the governor of Osaka of the precisestate of these earth-stricken districts and asked for help to save people there.Osaka and adjacent local governments in western Japan responded to the request immediately and organizedtheir own relief plans jointly. The Japanese Red Cross Osaka Chapter also established an effective systemfor the projects in Kansai, achieving a key role as an organizer of the Red Cross Chapters in western Japan.Especially, the relief team of the Osaka Chapter served as a first-aid post for the Korean victims, and theprivate and civil groups in Osaka, which had long and sufficient experience as a relief team for the Koreanpeople there, worked as a relief center for those Korean victims who evacuated from the earthquakestrickenarea. These activities surely must have been a great help to those Koreans who were in a lot ofdifficulties, suffering from groundless rumors at that time.Regrettably, however, these facts remained unknown to the public in general so far.一はじめに1関東大震災発災直後の被災現地の状況1923(大正12)年9月1日、相模湾北西部の海底を震源とするMg7 .9の関東大震災が起こり、関東一円に死者・不明者10万5千人余人、家屋被害37万余棟などの未曽有の大被害をもたらした。特に東京市並びにその周辺市町村、横浜市並びに相模湾沿岸部、千葉県東南部、静岡県東部の被害は甚大であった。特に東京市内は、地震による建物の倒壊に加えて、発火点が多数であったため、浅草、本所、神田、日本橋などの各区は、瞬く間に火災が広がり総てが焼き尽くされた。また、国の中枢機関が集中する麹町区でも、発災後間もなく皇居前の帝室林野局建物が焼失し、次いで大蔵・内務・文部・司法の各省の建物も類焼した。その南の京橋区の農商務省、逓信省の建物もやがて炎上した。しかも、加藤友三郎首相が直前に亡くなり、内田康哉首相臨時代理が後任の山本権兵衛に事務引き継ぎの準備をしている最中という最悪のタイミングで大地震が起こった。1日本赤十字社参与172人道研究ジャーナルVol. 4, 2015