ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている12ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

Part III:Part IV:How Japan should develop human resources to better respond to disastersin Japan and overseasBackground Discussions by the Study GroupThe Study Group discussed how Japan’s future system for receiving international assistanceshould look like based on the experience of the GEJE. The Study Group prioritised to discussmatters that would contribute to populations and communities affected by a disaster, and ittried to avoid an assumption that Japan ought to receive international assistance always. Themembers of the Study Group kept in mind that the recommendations should not be taken asimposition of international norms and standards. Japan is prone to earthquakes, with apossibility of another large earthquakes such as the GEJE, thus the Study Group believes thatfacilitation of incoming international assistance will always be an important issue that thecountry must consider. Moving toward establishing a better system for receiving internationalassistance is particularly important for Japan, but it will also have significant implications toother developed countries. From this perspective, the Study Group intended to offer ratherpractical and detailed recommendations.We hope that these recommendations will be taken into consideration for reviewing measuresagainst large scale disasters in future, including revision of domestic legal arrangements,relevant institutional reforms, development of practical manuals. We also hope that therecommendations will be utilised to promote advocacy and awareness raising among variousactors involved in disaster preparedness. Furthermore, we hope that the recommendationswill eventually be shared with the international community, including high and middle incomecountries, and to be used as a reference for responding to and preparing for large scale naturaldisasters.Finally, we hope that these recommendations will help protect people’s lives, health anddignity- where-ever they are.March, 2014Hiroshi HigashiuraOn behalf of the Study Group on the Great East JapanEarthquake and International Humanitarian AssistanceTranslated into English and printed in February, 2015.4