ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている2ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

Executive SummaryThe following eight recommendations are presented, specifically with regard to the system forreceiving international assistance, which is now common practice when a large scale disasteroccurs.Part I: System for Receiving International Assistance1-1. A clear basic policy on receiving international assistance during disastersAs it is expected that international community will offer assistance when a large scalenatural disaster hits Japan, the Government of Japan should pre‐establish its basic policyclarifying the criteria and procedures for receiving‐or declining‐offers of internationalassistance. Putting in place such a policy will help not only promote diplomatic relationsbut also compliment domestic response efforts. The basic policy and overall proceduresfor accepting international assistance should be translated into foreign languages andshared with the international community during the pre‐disaster phase1-2. Enhancing the role of the Government for acceptance of international assistanceA comprehensive disaster management body within the (central) Government of Japanshould make centralised and proactive decisions on the acceptance of incominginternational assistance. This body will need to be strengthened in a way that can bear fullresponsibility in terms of quick and smooth acceptance of assistance, including transportof relief goods and personnel to disaster affected areas, temporary storage of relief items.1-3. Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for accepting internationalassistanceIn order to support quick and smooth acceptance of international assistance withcentralised and proactive decisions by the comprehensive disaster management body inthe Government, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) needs to be developed for theofficials of the respective Ministries. Joint exercises testing such SOPs with theinvolvement of multiple stakeholders need to be conducted once a year. The SOPs need tobe developed by taking into consideration existing international guidelines.1-4. Legal arrangements and administrative ordersLegal arrangements and administrative orders on liability for damages and indemnificationneed to be put in place for handling any damages caused by international responders aswell as any accidents or incidents that may occur to international responders. Based on thelessons learned of receiving international assistance in the past and in light of the existinginternational guidelines such as the International Disaster Relief Laws (IDRL), exceptionallegal measures and administrative orders need to be put in place before a disaster strikes.1-5. Concluding partnership agreementsLegal frameworks with foreign countries, from where the likelihood of receivinginternational assistance is high, should be established in advance, so that legal problemsrelated to accidents/damages associated with relief operations can be avoided.1-6. Securing and developing human resourcesA system needs to be developed that allow pre‐registration and deployment of humani