ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている20ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

2. Recommended actions(1) Recommended actionsAt present, disaster relief from overseas is recognised in the Japanese Basic DisasterManagement Plan only as voluntary offers of assistance based on other countries’goodwill.What is behind this is the principle that municipalities bear the primary responsibility in termsof disaster relief and rescue efforts for the affected populations, and that prefectural andnational government are expected to supplement the capacity of the municipal authorities byusing financial, material and human resources that are mobilised and made availabledomestically. In fact, there is an argument that it would be too risky for local authorities totake into consideration the incoming international assistance as an essential component oftheir disaster response plans, as local authorities would not be able have full control over theassistance provided. However, considering the fact that Japan received numerous offers ofinternational assistance during the GEJE, it is rather realistic to assume that Japan would face asimilar situation when a large scale disaster happens again in future ? and such a trend couldbe further reinforced. Moreover, a great majority of the Japanese public supports acceptinginternational assistance during disaster.Therefore, the Government of Japan should prepare for receiving internationally assistance“better”by assuming that many countries will again immediately offer various forms ofassistance when a large scale natural disaster strikes Japan. Such preparedness measuresshould include developing a clear set of criteria for receiving the assistance; reviewing theroles and responsibilities between the central government and local authorities; drawing updetailed operational plans; improving legal and institutional arrangements; as well asstrengthening communications capacity.a. Clarification and dissemination of a‘basic policy’on receiving international assistance duringdisasters? The Government of Japan should establish its‘basic policy’by clarifying its own criteriaand procedures for receiving ? or declining ? offers of international assistance. Thepurpose of developing such a policy is to use international assistance for disaster reliefas effectively and efficiently as possible. To this effect, advantages, risks and time lagsfor transporting relief items should be taken into account.? When a large scale disaster occurs, the Government of Japan should trigger the‘basicpolicy’so as to accept international assistance as effectively and efficiently as possible.The Government of Japan should also request that foreign countries decide on theiroffers of assistance by referring to the‘basic policy.’? The‘basic policy’should be translated into English and other major foreign languages.The‘basic policy’should also be posted on the website of the comprehensivedisaster-management body, so that the international aid community can access it. TheGovernment of Japan should further announce the establishment of the‘basic policy’atinternational conferences, and make efforts to ensure that it is known by theinternational community.12