ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
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このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている28ページの概要です。
このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている28ページの概要です。
Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
g. Fulfilling accountability? The Government of Japan, or its comprehensive disaster management body, should befully responsible for monitoring the utilisation of the international assistance received interms of human, material and financial contributions. To ensure accountability, theGovernment of Japan should also report the results back to the international communityby using standard reporting formats, including on the matching with needs, efficiency,and feedback from the beneficiaries.? For this purpose, the Government should also establish a system staffed by those taskedwith the monitoring, and develop standard formats for reporting and evaluation.h. Timely dissemination and clear communication of the relevant information From the onsetof a disaster, the Government of Japan should disseminate information concerningdamages, domestic response efforts, and specific needs for international assistance inEnglish and in a timely manner - at least daily in the initial phase. Accordingly, theGovernment should establish an emergency communications system before a disasterstrikes.? The Government should also strive to make full use of communication tools forhumanitarian assistance such as Virtual OSOCC, and exchange information with thehumanitarian community through informal channels as well.(2) Concrete outcomes and situations to be realised by implementing the recommendedactions? By clarifying its basic policy for accepting international assistance and effectivelycommunicating with the international community based on it, the Government of Japanwill be able to create an environment where foreign countries will be able to make swiftdecisions on their assistance. This will help facilitate the incoming internationalassistance better targeted to meet the needs of the affected communities to a certaindegree.? Strengthening the role of the central Government in accepting international assistancewill lead to a more coherent system, in which those who makes the decision to acceptinternational assistance will also accept full responsibility for the results. Moreover,promoting legal preparedness will help the relevant actors handle risks associated withaccepting the international assistance and thereby facilitate the related process moresmoothly.? Development of SOPs and manuals will help organise training more easily. It will alsoenable disaster responders to share their knowledge and experience and help theirsuccession planning despite staff turnovers. All of these will contribute to effectiveresponse.? Establishing cooperation agreements with countries, that are likely to offer (and forJapan to receive) assistance, will help gather experience of joint exercises during thepeace-time. Such agreements will also help avoid potential legal problems and make theswift and efficient acceptance of international assistance possible.20