ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
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このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている38ページの概要です。
このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている38ページの概要です。
Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
Disaster Relief. However, some argue that during the GEJE, knowledge of these normsand standards were not utilised. For example, at the on-set of the disaster, it was onlymale staff, who were distributing relief items in many of the evacuation centres. Thismade some disaster-affected women feel uncomfortable when receiving relief itemsnecessary for meeting the specific needs of women. As responders paid little attentionto the gender aspects, women’s needs were not properly reflected on the relief itemsprovided, and women experienced difficult situations without being able to accessingthe necessary assistance at the evacuation centres. NPOs, that are mostly active insideJapan , were not well informed of international standards. On the other hand, many ofthose involved in international assistance were aware of the standards, but they did notparticularly share the sense of responsibility that they should comply with theinternational standards when operating in Japan as well.(3) In-depth analysis of the causes of the problems identified above? There was no coordination and information sharing mechanism that would help grasp acomprehensive picture of assistance provided by both public and private actors.Moreover, NGOs and NPOs were not part of the discussions or coordinated planningprocesses led by the local authorities.2. Recommended actions(1) Recommended actionsa. Establishment of a coordination body for NGO and NPOs involved in disaster response.? A mechanism to coordinate NGOs and NPOs (hereinafter called an‘NGO/NPOcoordination body’) should be established during the pre-disaster phase, so that theirassistance can be deployed more effectively when a disaster strikes. To this effect, aframework to coordinate with actors other than NGOs/NPOs should be designed; itsSecretariat functions need to be supported; and human resources involved in thecoordination work needs to be developed.b. Improved awareness by the Government, local authorities and designated public institutionsabout the NGO/NPO coordination body? The above mechanism should be made known to the Government, local authorities anddesignated public institutions in peacetime. The NGO/NPO coordination body shouldengage closely with such administrative bodies, including personnel exchange, so thattheir understanding as the counterpart to the NGO/NPO sector and recognition aboutthe coordination body will be promoted.c. Incorporation of NGO/NPO operations in local disaster-management plans? Disaster management plans formulated by prefectures and municipalities should takeinto consideration the role of the NGO/NPO coordination body, and incorporate itscoordinating function in terms of their relationship to the community basedcoordination activities and participation in coordination meetings. NGOs and NPOsshould be encouraged to actively participate in emergency drills based on local disastermanagement plans. In order to facilitate smooth and efficient humanitarian assistanceduring disasters, NGOs and NPOs should establish partnerships with local authorities inpeacetime.30