ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
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このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている43ページの概要です。
このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている43ページの概要です。
Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
of demonstrating their competencies amid natural disasters. The term‘disaster response’inthis context refers to a range of activities from the immediate rescue and relief phase tolife-saving support and early recovery phase.(1) Recommended actionsa. Identification of priority areas where human resource development are most needed? The areas of expertise necessary for facilitating disaster response and relief effortseffectively and smoothly should be identified. Prioritisation of such specialised should beguided by the practical experiences of the GEJE and other disasters ? both in Japan andoverseas. Accordingly, the Study Group recommends that the following should beprioritised:(i) Data collection and needs assessment/analysis,(ii) Coordination and cooperation with various actors offering assistance on avoluntary basis,(iii) Ensuring smooth flowing of human resource support and relief items (i.e.logistics),(iv) Relief and assistance for disaster affected populations including management ofevacuation centres in accordance with norms, standards and other keyconsiderations,(v) Acceptance of international assistance,(vi) Disseminating information to the international community, and(vii) Command, control, and communications across multiple organisations.? Priority areas for human resource development should be selected in consultation withnational and international disaster responders and relief organisations. The CabinetOffice should lead in selection those consulted and ensure that opinions of governmentofficials, especially at the Prefectural and Municipal levels, are duly reflected.? The special review committee developing the common national minimum standardsproposed in Part II should be involved in the selection process as well.? In addition to looking at some of the basic items that are required for responding to themost common types of disasters, the human resource development programmes shouldcover a wide range of issues corresponding to various types of damages caused bydifferent kinds of disasters and include specific measures against particular categories ofdisaster risks.b. Identified professional categories subject to the human resource development programme? Two categories of human resources should be developed in the areasidentified/prioritised above; i.e. the managers who lead and oversee respective functionsnecessary for disaster response and the specialists well versed in particular technical fields.In addition and as required, decision-makers such as the heads of local authoritiesshould be included so as to deepen their understanding of disaster management.? The Cabinet Office and the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution shouldoffer comprehensive and nationwide training programmes for the officials of localauthorities involved in disaster management and corresponding to their professionalcategories. In addition, tailored and specialist programmes should be offered for relevant35