ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
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このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている44ページの概要です。
このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている44ページの概要です。
Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
Ministries, as well as Prefectural and Municipal governments? Professional categories targeted for the human resource development programme areas follows:(i) Overall disaster management at the strategic levelCentral government:Prime Minister’s Office and Line Ministries (leadership and working levels),Local authorities:Head and their deputies, directors of disaster managementDesignated public institutions, SDF, National Police Agency, the Coast Guard:Key officialsNGOs, private companies, international and foreign organisations:Staff members wishing to receive training(ii) Experts in specialized areasOfficials of the central, prefectural and municipal governments, and staffmembers of designated public institutions, NGOs, private companies, andinternational and foreign organisations working in the following areas:Information management, communications, search and rescue, health care andnursing, operation of evacuation centres, logistics, education, security, publicinformation, CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks) and otherrelevant areas.c. Implementation mechanism of the human resource development programmes? Leadership for human resource development of disaster response should be centralisedand located at the national level, such as at the Cabinet Office of the centralGovernment. For this purpose, the National Human Resource Mobilisation Centre forDisaster Response should be established. The Centre should develop, maintain andmanage the human resources in collaboration with MOD/ SDF, academic institutions,local authorities, aid organisations, and JRCS.? A national curriculum should be developed so as to ensure standardized quality controland to apply common methodologies of disaster response and assistance for thedisaster-affected populations. Such a training programme will, in principle, allowcoordinated response by the staff members of various disaster responders and relieforganisations based on their common understanding of relief operations.? Training programmes should be conducted for the three types of targeted professionalcategories indicated above in Section b., following realistic timeframes. For example,five days could be allocated for the specialists; three days for the general disastermanagers; and one day for the heads of local authorities.? Quality control and standardization of the training curriculums should be put in place byreviewing existing relevant training programmes. In order to standardize the trainingprogramme, maintain its quality, and to secure the trainees in a sustainable manner,selection methods of the training providers need to be reconsidered.? The curriculum should be reviewed periodically. Taking into account the existing trainingfor disaster management specialists offered by the Cabinet Office as an example36