ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている46ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

standards, yet edited for the use of Japanese professionals. It is important to ensure thetrainees’understanding that the key components of training have been promoted andutilised internationally, and that the specific elements of Japanese disaster responsemechanism are also taken into consideration.? Practical exercises should stress the training of trainers (ToTs) based in Japan, so thatthe quality of training can be maintained, and that the related experiences can beaccumulated continuously and systematically.e. Three types of trainers:(i) Full-time lecturersAct as core trainers facilitating knowledge enhancement- and skills training as wellas competency development by using standard disaster-response manuals,.(ii) External lecturersSupplement the work of the full-time lecturers by providing competency relatedtraining based on practical experiences(iii) ResearchersDevelop disaster response training manuals based on relevant researches andlessons learnedf. Functions required to support the human resource development programmes? In addition to the development and implementation of the training programmes, thefollowing functions need to be established to support the human resource developmentof disaster responders in the medium and long term:(i) Research・Conduct researches on the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for thoseinvolved in disaster response and relief operations. The training organisation shouldinteract with the relevant Ministries, local authorities, designated public institutions,and various foreign and international organisations (including foreign think-tanks),Japanese and international NGOs, private companies, universities, research institutesand etc.・Collect and analyse lessons learnt from previous disaster responses in Japan andoverseas.・Develop national and standardised disaster response manuals, building on theresearch outcomes and lessons learnt, as well as in light of the existing legal andinstitutional frameworks. In doing so, coordinate with the national, prefectural andmunicipal governments and other relevant organisations such as NGOs and the privatesector.(ii) Education・Knowledge based education following the disaster response manuals・Knowledge based education on relevant competencies(iii) Skills training・Skills training based on the disaster-response manuals.・Skills training on relevant competencies.(iv) ExercisesIntegrate knowledge, skills and competencies by using simulation exercises assumingvarious scenarios and operational environments.(v) Evaluation38