ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている47ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

Evaluate and analyse the training package to improve quality of lectures, skill practices andsimulation exercises(vi) Support servicesGeneral administration, accounting, management and maintenance of learning materials andfacilitiesg. Registration and mobilization of pools of trained professionals? Establish a‘National Human Resource Mobilisation Centre for Disaster Response’at thelevel of the central Government as a centralised mechanism to register and traindisaster response professionals. Practitioners who would be ready to support receivingand managing incoming international assistance as discussed in Part I should also besecured and registered by this centre.? Individual professionals, who have completed the training programmes discussed aboveSection d, should also be registered by the centre and recognised as human resourcesavailable at the national level.? The trainees be classified into the following three categories, and will be allocated andmobilised strategically :(i) Active (appointed and registered compulsory)Persons currently assigned with tasks related to disaster response(ii) Active back-up (appointed but registered voluntarily)Persons not currently assigned with any tasks related to disaster response butintending and able to perform such tasks if required, also with the prior consentof the organisations to which they belong(iii) Contingency back-up (designated and registered voluntarily)Persons who have reached the mandatory retirement age but with considerableknowledge and experience, and intending and able to perform tasks related todisaster response if required.? The central Government and local authorities should make arrangements to ensureappropriate posting of the trained officials and others with equivalent skills andexperiences. The organisations should develop concrete‘career ladders’for the trainedand qualified professionals, by clarifying relevant functions to be demonstrated by theexperts.? Certificates should be issued for those who completed the training programmes,together with a‘license document’indicating specialised areas or professionalcategories. These documents will be used as a basis for proving their acquired skills andcompetencies. In addition, the registered professionals are required to attend refreshercourses on a regular basis to maintain and update their knowledge and skills.? By assessing damages caused by a disaster, the heads of Prefectural and Municipalgovernments and their disaster response teams will identify specific areas of expertisewhere support is required, and take actions to request the central Government todeploy the registered professionals.39