ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
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このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている48ページの概要です。
このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている48ページの概要です。
Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan
? The affected local authorities will respond to the situation in collaboration with thedeployed professionals. In order to facilitate smooth integration of the deployedprofessionals into the existing response mechanisms without delay, the host prefecturaland municipal Governments should include and articulate relevant arrangements intheir disaster response manuals or SOPs. In this regard, a standard SOP template shouldbe developed by the central Government, with a view to help the local authorities tofollow the necessary procedures.? It is assumed that many of the trained and registered professionals are posted in therelevant parts of the Prefectural and Municipal authorities addressing disastermanagement issues. Tripartite agreements should be concluded in advance betweenthe Centre, the registered experts and the organisations to which they belong, so thatnecessary actions are taken to allow temporary deployment of the professionals duringan emergency.? The local authorities should include arrangements for receiving the professionalsdeployed from the national level in their own disaster management plans and clarifyconcrete steps to be followed to make this happen in advance. In addition, the localauthorities should sensitise their staff about the possibility that support experts wouldbe deployed from other local authorities as well as JRCS and NGOs and ensure that theywould be received appropriately and without delay.? Even if the registered professionals are transferred to other positions not directlyrelated to disaster response, the local authorities should continue to register them asactive back-up resources. As part of their human resource management policies, dueconsideration should be made not to create any gaps in the expertise, especially whenthe trained officials had to move on and while successors are being trained to back-up.? The central Government and the local authorities should actively support the careerdevelopment of the registered professionals, particularly by creating an environmentwhere they can strengthen their expertise and accumulate experiences. An accreditationsystem should also be put in place.h. Promoting international cooperation building on the domestic experience in disasterresponse? More interactions between those involved in the domestic disaster response and thoseworking for international disaster relief operations should be encouraged, such asthrough personnel exchanges and organising joint seminars. This will help mutuallearning about the different operational environments and maximising their strengthsfrom both sides.? Arrangements should be made to ensure that professionals experienced with disasterresponse in Japan are prioritised to attend and speak at international conferences ondisaster management and be advised to share their experiences and views with theinternational community.? Proffesionals experienced with domestic disaster responseshould be deployed to40