ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている50ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

Part IV: Discussions on the topics of background of the above recommendationsThe Study Group held many sessions to study topics related to the recommendations made to date.Part IV outlines our discussions as background references, which, we hope, will deepen theunderstanding of the recommendations.1. International Disaster Response Laws (IDRL)Since 2001, the IFRC has worked to contribute to domestic legal preparedness by providingguidelines for improving domestic legal, institutional and organisational frameworks on internationaldisaster relief and initial recovery assistance. In 2007, the IFRC and the state parties to the GenevaConvention adopted the“Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of internationaldisaster relief and initial recovery assistance”was adapted by the 30 th International Conference ofthe Red Cross and Red Crescent.The guidelines are meant to assist, if not legally bind, governments to strengthen their domestic laws,policies and/or procedures for international disaster response, while stating that they will have nodirect impact on existing responsibilities and rlights under domestic laws. The guidelines reconfirmthe primary roles of authorities and relevant organisations, and recommend that they should giveminimum legal facilities to foreign governments and humanitarian assistance organisations thatintend and are able to satisfy the minimum standards for coordination, quality and accountability.The guidelines also expect governments to improve the quality and efficiency of internationaldisaster relief and initial recovery assistance for better assistance to disaster-affected regions.The guidelines mainly cover the following topics 26 :Core responsibilities (responsibilities of affected states, assisting states and humanitarianorganisations)・The authorities and responsibilities of affected states with primary responsibility for relief andrecovery assistance; compliance of disaster-affected states with national and international laws,responsibility for international standards for the quality of assistance, earyl warning andpreparedness for assisting states and humanitarian organisationsEarly warning and preparedness・Development of procedures to facilitate swift sharing of information about disasters amongassisting states and humanitarian organisations (including the United Nations’EmergencyRelief Coordinator) to maximise the effect of international assistance・Coordinators as contact persons for effective international assistance2 6The Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial RecoveryAssistance, the Journal of Humanitarian Studies Vol. 1, 2012, pp. 181-19642