ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている51ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

・Clear designation of domestic governmental entities with responsibility and authority in relatedareas.Initiation and termination of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance・The affected state should decide whether or not to request disaster relief and notify promptly.・The affected state should undertake joint needs assessments with the United Nations and otherassisting humanitarian organisations.・The affected state should provide assisting states and humanitarian organisations with adequateinformation on domestic laws and regulations of particular relevance to the entry and operationof disaster-relief or initial recovery assistance.・Prior to deploying military assets, terms and conditions including issues such as the duration ofdeployment, whether they must be armed or unarmed, the use of their national uniforms, andmechanisms for cooperation with civilian actors are to be agreed by the assisting statesinvolved.・When an assisting actor wishes to terminate disaster-relief or initial recovery assistance, itshould provide appropriate notification.・The affected state and assisting actor should consult, bearing in mind the impact of suchtermination on disaster-affected communities.Eligibility for legal facilities (facilities to assist states)・It is recommended that states establish criteria for assisting humanitarian organisations seekingeligibility for legal facilities, and make quick decisions and notifications to such organisations.Legal facilities for entry and operations・It is recommended that the affected states provide the legal facilities listed below to assistingstates and eligible assisting humanitarian organisations:- Visas and any necessary work permits renewable within the territory for the periodnecessary to implement disaster-relief or initial recovery activities- Temporary approval of licenses and certifications issued by foreign governments formedical care, engineering, driving and other specialties- Exemption from all customs duties, taxes, tariffs or governmental fees- Exemption from all exports, transit and import restrictions, and simplification orminimization of documentation requirements (for vehicles, ITC equipment, specialinstruments, etc.)- Registration of vehicles for disaster-relief or initial recovery activities, and temporaryapproval of number plates- Priority access to bandwidth, frequencies and satellite use for telecommunications and datatransfer- Setting of requirements for imports of medical goods and equipment, and alleviation of43