ブックタイトルRecommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan


このページは Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan の電子ブックに掲載されている54ページの概要です。


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Recommendations to prepare for future mega-disasters in Japan

operations during natural disasters and conflicts, and the International Red Cross and Red CrescentMovement and NGOs are committed to comply with them. As cross-cutting issues, the Sphere refersto children, gender, HIV/AIDS, the elderly, disability, psychosocial support, disaster risk reductionand the climate change. Of particular note here is that understanding and applying some of theSphere Standards may provide possible solutions to the gender related problems identified during theGEJE. For example:? The Humanitarian Charter stipulates the protection principles.? The core standards of the Sphere underscores the need to collect and report gender and agedisaggregated data; ensuring the right gender balance in the team composition whenconducting interviews; gender sensitive interview methods; as well as ensuring reflecting theappropriate gender balance when the affected populations express their views.? The Sphere Project gives more detailed sector specific standards as well:Water , Sanitation and Making sure that necessary items are available/accessible; giving dueHygieneconsiderations not to put excessive burden on women; locations ofbathing facilities and toilets; securing appropriate washing and dryingspaces; addressing safety/security concerns by installing lightingfacilities; and ensuring an appropriate ratio of the toilets between men andwomen (1:3)Food Security and Securing women’s access/participation; addressing the needs of pregnantNutritionwomen and lactating mothers; participation in designing kitchen facilities;equal access to livelihood and employment opportunities; and notimposing household responsibilities on women exclusivelyShelter and Non-Food Diverse views are represented in deciding the use of available spaces;Itemssecuring privacy; distributing extra clothes and sanitary items for thosewith chronic diseases and disabilities, pregnant women, infants, and theelderly; and addressing specific needs in terms of cooking items, platesand other non-food itemsHealthSecuring female medical staff; addressing reproductive health needsProtectionProtection from gender-based violence; response and legal measures; andreferring the victims to support/care facilitiesSimilar points are also raised in the IASC Guidelines on the Protection of the People Affected byNatural Disasters, which the UN humanitarian agencies and other NGO members of IASC haveagreed to. The IASC Guidelines articulate the importance of both protecting vulnerable women andwomen’s participation in decision making.The Women’s Network for the East Japan Disaster compiled good practices on gender and diversity46